Today was the first day of school.
I am exhausted.
I am exhilarated.
Today was the first day of school.
My exhilaration trumps my exhaustion.
I don’t want to forget this feeling.
I fed off the energy of the students and staff today. Tonight I am drained. I can’t wait for tomorrow.
I don’t want to lose this energy.
Today was the first day of school.
Two weeks from today I will be set in a routine. I will be getting tired. Two months from now I will be looking forward to a break, possibly even begging for it. I have no doubt about that. This isn’t my first school year. I’ve done this a few times. It is a guarantee that I will be tired two months from now.
But, I REALLY don’t want to forget the exhilaration and sense of possibility I feel.
Today was the first day of school.
Tonight I am a ball of nerves. My thoughts are sporadic. Am I even making sense? At this point, my day was so great I don’t even care if I am a blubbering ball of educational expectancy.
I met others just like me on the way out the school today- faculty and staff alike. They felt the same. I texted my teacher friends when I got home. Their sentiments matched mine exactly. We are eager for this to be the best year ever. Truly. The potential is there. I can feel it. The speaker at our opening workshop talked about obstacles as “possibilities for triumph.” I love this.
Today was the first day of school.
I am making this promise, here and now (feel free to hold me to it):
I will approach obstacles as possibilities for triumph.
I will hold on to the optimism I feel now.
I really, really won’t allow myself to forget the exhilaration and sense of possibility I feel.
Today was the first day of school.
I am exhausted.
I am exhilarated.
I am blessed.