You are young and full of energy. You have worked hard to enter this profession. You are trained well and are full of ideas. You love your job, your students, and the thought that you can make a difference.
The school year is just a few weeks old. It starts with the excitement of all new things, as shiny and full of promise as a box of new crayons.
Sometime soon, reality will hit. The world is conspiring to beat you down.
You will feel the pressure for your students to perform well on standardized tests.
Parents who don’t know you or trust you will make unreasonable demands.
You will struggle to fill out all the paperwork and collect all the data.
You will read an article blaming teachers for being unable to help students succeed, though it won’t mention the poverty, violence and lack of medical attention many students live with.
Your one and only prep time is taken- again.
The students, no longer on their best behavior, are testing your limits.
Your friends won’t understand why you have to stay home and grade papers- on Saturday!
The voices in the teacher’s lounge have you questioning your judgment.
You start to question everything- your lessons, your philosophy and maybe even your choice of profession.
Don’t give up or give in.
Trust your instincts. Do what you think is best. When in doubt, choose what is best for the students.
Find your kindred spirits- there are colleagues who are upbeat and positive. You might have to look for them; they aren’t the ones complaining in the teacher’s room.
Find a trustworthy, experienced teacher who will give you good advice when you need it. It’s OK to ask for help.
Remember what brought you to this profession. You have a job to do. Though you may never know it, you will impact the lives of your students. You will help students learn, and you will help them to be better people. If you do your job right, you can’t help but make a difference.
If you have to, close the door and then teach your heart out. Know that you are not alone. In schools all over the country, teachers are quietly going about their day, working magic in a minefield of demoralization.
Don’t worry too much about messing up. What you lack in teaching skill and technique you will make up for in relationships. Kids will cut you some slack when they know you care about them.
When you are doing it right, you will get feedback in a hundred little ways. You’ll get notes from a student, an improved score, a better essay. You will feel the silence of a classroom engrossed, and the groans when you tell them it is time to stop. You’ll feel the energy when they are excited to learn. Pay attention, because that is your reward.
The great teacher Ralph Waldo Emerson said “nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Smile. Throw yourself into the task at hand with everything you’ve got. Stay the course.
Because as long as you have stars in your eyes, you’re going to make it.
Keep shining,