Looking for motivation? Want to learn from someone successful and driven? Want to be more efficient and organized? The EnneagramType 3s in our lives are perfect examples of productivity and we can learn a lot from them.
The Enneagram is a tool for understanding patterns of behavior in ourselves and others. In the 9 types of people identified in the Enneagram, Type 3s are often the successful, productive and motivational people in our lives. They can also be some of the most competitive people we know.
Today, as certified Enneagram trainers, we are sharing ways we have learned that can help us all best love, live with, work with and teach others who are Enneagram Type Threes.
As a result of learning about this Enneagram type you will see improvements in your communications and relationships with the Type 3s in your life.
We love the Enneagram as a tool because it helps us to better understand ourselves and others. In previous episodes we have focused on how we can best understand ourselves using the tool of the Enneagram.
In this episode, we are sharing ways we can best love, live with, work with and teach others who are Enneagram Type 2s.
We guarantee that you have a few Type 2s in your life and in the next 22 minutes you'll learn more about how to understand this heart centered type.
You will be glad you listened, and they will be too, because as a result of learning about their Enneagram type your communications will improve and your misunderstandings will dramatically decrease.
Let’s get started….
Hello! There is a lot of interest in the Enneagram, and we find it a useful tool for helping us to understand ourselves, our behaviors. and why we do things.
The Enneagram also helps us understand how to work well with others including our families, friends, colleagues, and yes, even students!
Understanding the Enneagram gives us a different world view. As Brene Brown said, "The Enneagram can change how you see yourself and the people around you", and that has been eye opening and even life-changing.
In this episode we dig into the traits and patterns of Enneagram Type 1. Stay tuned to find out if you are a type one, or if you love, work with or teach someone with the patterns of a type one.
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Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
In this episode we're continuing our popular Enneagram for Educators series. In today’s episode, we’ll bring your knowledge and understanding full circle so that you can access the best of the Enneagram and use it for both personal development and to improve relationships with your family, friends and even your students.
Ramp up your knowledge and learn more about how to apply the Enneagram in your life and work.
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
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Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
If you want to learn more about the Enneagram and how Enneagram patterns play out in your life and in the lives of others around you, stay tuned!
This is part four of our Enneagram series. Today we are going to talk about the head types- five, six and seven. What does it mean to be a head type and how does that show up in you or in your family, friends, and students? Let’s find out!
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
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Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
We are back again today with an encore episode to help you understand the Enneagram and how Enneagram patterns play out in your life and work.
This is part three of our Enneagram series. We shared an overview of the Enneagram in episode 101, and discussed types 8, 9 and 1 in episode 102.
Today we are talking about the heart types. You might be one or you certainly will know one. What does it look like to be a heart type? How does it connect to people you know and people you teach?
Stay tuned and find out.
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
Download our FREE resource: The Inspired Teachers Guide to Taking Back Your Life
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Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
Are you curious about the Enneagram types and how behavior, thinking, and motivation patterns affect you and those around you?
In part two of this Enneagram series you will learn more about the Enneagram and the patterns of types 8, 9, and 1.
What does it mean to be an instinctive type andhow does that show up in you or in your family, friends, and students?
This episode will help you determine if you are an 8, 9 or 1 and will help you to better understand, support, and work with the 8s, 9s, and 1s in your life.
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
Download our FREE resource: The Inspired Teachers Guide to Taking Back Your Life
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Facebook Group: Inspired Together Teachers Facebook Group
Linked In: Inspired Together Learning
Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
Have you have ever struggled with motivation in your life or classroom? If so, today's episode is for you! In this episode, you'll learn more about to the tool of the Enneagram, which has great potential for educators.
The Enneagram will help you understand people’s thinking and behavior patterns and how they are motivated, helping you to work with others in powerful ways.
As certified Enneagram trainers, we are excited to share this episode which is the first episode in our special series on the Enneagram.
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
Download our FREE resource: The Inspired Teachers Guide to Taking Back Your Life
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Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
Welcome to our 100th episode! Whether you have been with us from the beginning, or whether you are new to Inspired Together Teachers, we’re glad you're here.
100 episodes is an achievement, and we’ve loved having weekly conversations with each other and with you.
You don’t get to 100 episodes without learning a few things along the way. In preparing for and sharing these episodes we've researched and discussed many topics. In this episode we’re going to share the five most important lessons that we’ve learned about teaching and life.
We’ll also wrap up our Elevate Your Life 2025 Series with more actions you can take to be your best in the next year.
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
Download our FREE resource: The Inspired Teachers Guide to Taking Back Your Life
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Facebook: Inspired Together Teachers | Facebook
Facebook Group: Inspired Together Teachers Facebook Group
Linked In: Inspired Together Learning
Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self
Do you ever say that you are going to do something when you get around to it? How often does that actually happen? Getting around to it is a way of delaying something again and again, planning to deal with it later, and more often than not, later never comes.
You already know the power of setting goals and writing down your to-do items. You likely use some sort of calendar or planner and keep track of everything you need to do. Are you using that process for the big things? Where do your big picture dreams and plans fit in?
In this episode we talk about goal setting for dream making. This is the third in a series we’re calling Elevate Your Life 2025.
You can just listen to these four episodes or you can download our free workbook with places to write your answers, additional activities, and links to videos and more.
If you want your dreams to come true, don’t miss this episode!
Full show notes /website: inspiredtogetherteachers.com
Download our FREE resource: The Inspired Teachers Guide to Taking Back Your Life
Instagram: Inspired-Together-Teachers
Facebook: Inspired Together Teachers | Facebook
Facebook Group: Inspired Together Teachers Facebook Group
Linked In: Inspired Together Learning
Book: The Inspired Teachers Journal: A Weekly Guide to Becoming Your Best Self