Who says dress-up play is limited to certain places like the playroom at home or for certain acceptable days like Halloween? Why do we encourage a child’s imaginative play in the form of dress up at home but have them change before leaving the house?
Recently we have noticed many small children expressing their creativity outside the confines of their homes by sporting their favorite costumes and “make believing” themselves into their character de jour. We love seeing the princesses pushing the carts down the aisles at the grocery store and the Spidermen protecting us while in the next car at the stoplight.
Study after study shows the need for pretend play in the development of children (link to this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beautiful-minds/201203/the-need-pretend-play-in-child-development). Dress-up play is one very important way for children to express and develop their creativity and imagination. Plus, what grown up can resist a 4 year old Batman who shyly smiles at you from behind her cape in the convenience store checkout line?
We hope you have the joy of spotting one of these imaginative children in the days to come. May the pretend play so crucial to their development bring a smile to your day.
Wishing that your own fantasies be fulfilled today,