Teaching can be challening and exhausting. You may work hard and not feel the results of your hard work.
We’re here to remind you. The world needs your energy and your gifts.
Teachers, you are more powerful than you think.
Because of you:
A struggling student’s face will light up when they realize they have finally mastered a challenging skill.
A child who gets little attention at home will be noticed and feel valued.
Students will laugh and realize that learning can be fun.
Students will learn that errors and mistakes are learning opportunities rather than failures.
Someone will not suffer the torment and humiliation of being bullied.
Students will understand themselves better: their strengths, their challenges, their special gifts.
Students will feel physically and emotionally safe.
Students will learn social skills: how to play nice, be fair, and get along with others.
Students will learn how to organize their time, be responsible and work hard.
Because of you, there will be better people in the world. That is powerful!
Teachers you are more powerful than you think!
We wish you a year full of health, happiness, wonderful teaching!
Paula and Michele