Teaching during a pandemic is challenging for many reasons, but one of the things we have frequently heard is that there are more complaints that students don’t do their work. This is a topic we have addressed in the past, but as the new school year gets started it seems worth revising.
What do we do when students don’t do their work?
One of our Thriving Young Teachers posts was highlighted in a blogpost recently by Planbook, a national company that offers online lesson planning. The article Using Differentiated Learning to Engage Students at Any Learning Level discusses reasons why students don’t do their work. They also discuss things to consider when assigning homework.
The article gives some gives some good ideas- including ours!
We also loved an info graphic by Success by Design which is linked in the article. You can see the info graphic How to Get Students to Do Homework here.
We also want to link to a couple of our own articles on this topic.
10 Reasons why Students Don’t Do Homework
10 Reasons Why Kids Don’t Do What You Tell Them To Do
Students who don’t do their work are a challenge for all teachers and all school districts. Do we assign homework? If so, do we grade it? How can we give students enriching work that will engage them and that will help them learn rather than giving them busy work?
There are no quick easy solutions and there is no one best plan. What teachers can do is make intentional decisions about how engage students in learning and when to use homework.
We hope you will check out these ideas and find options to consider in your future planning.
Our best,