Some teachers are able to rise above the routine and mundane and elevate their classrooms to a place where magic happens. Are you a magic teacher? You just might be if…
M Motivational
You create an environment for motivation to occur by building relationships with students. You teach engaging and developmentally appropriate lessons. You don’t expect extrinsic rewards such as stickers or clip charts to motivate your students.
A Active Learning
You understand that students learn best by doing something. You are not a proponent of the sit and get methodology. Your classroom is productively noisy as students move around the room engaging in learning tasks.
G Guide
You understand that your role is not to be the “expert” or the lecturer, but rather to be the guide, helping students meet their learning goals. You are the chief learner and model of life-long learning.
I Inspiration
You encourage students to aim high, take risks and achieve their best. You are enthusiastic and optimistic, setting the stage for your students to be inspired.
C Community
You understand the value of community. With the cooperation of your students, you establish rules and procedures. You model respect for all and expect students to do the same. Your classroom is a physically and emotionally safe place where students can try, learn and grow.
Applying these principles will help you and your students to thrive. Our days will be more fun, more productive and happier places if we build a climate where MAGIC happens!
What do you do to make MAGIC happen in the classroom? Share your ideas below, we would love to hear from you!
Amazing post! Loved reading every bit of it.
Thank You!
Yes, this is great! My kids are fortunate, I feel like we’ve been handed a bunch of magic teachers and I love it!
April, we are delighted for you and your kids. Good teachers make a huge difference. Fortunately, there are a lot of good teachers in the world!